Ross Lockhart | Beyond Snakes and Shamrocks

“The Celtic Christian tradition is not what I would call ‘I need a hug theology.’ It’s deeply grounded in the revelation of Father, Son, and Spirit…”—Ross Lockhart

Episode 61 of Spirituality for Ordinary People features an interview with Dr. Ross Lockhart. Ross is Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall.  Ross serves as the Presbyterian Director of Denominational Formation at Vancouver School of Theology as well as an Adjunct Professor of Homiletics at St. Mark’s College, UBC. He also teaches regularly at Regent College.

Key Learnings

Looking at how faithful witness happened in a pre-Christian culture might help us understand how to witness today in a post-Christian culture.

Things to Think About

Lockhart quotes Maggie Dawn stating, “The hardest pilgrimage is sitting still and going inside yourself.” How do you respond?

How might we be courageous in our proclamation understanding that sometimes “no” might be the answer?

Spiritual Practices Discussed in this Episode

Pilgrimage as Adult Catechesis/learning opportunity

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